Track Lighting FAQ

  • What components do I need for track lighting?

    The basic parts of a track lighting system are an electrical feed, a track stick and of course a track light fixtures which mounts onto the track.  Depending on the application, joiners/connecters may be necessary to execute the desired pattern or design. They come in many different configurations, such as, flexible, corner,  straight or “x” connectors. Rigid pendant stems, cable suspension system and a slope ceiling adapter can also be used for high ceiling applications.
  • What are the three types of track lighting?

    The three main types of track lighting are H-Type, L-Type, and J-Type. The differences between the three track types are the number of wires and the shape of the buss bars (what connects the power to the track fixture). H-Type is a 3-wire system with three thin, flat buss bars. L-Type and J-Type are 2-wire systems with two cylindrical buss bars.  Track Fixtures by Juno are J-Type, they can also be ordered with either a H-Type or a L-Type.
  • Can you add to track lighting?

    Most track systems have the ability to join track sticks by using a joiner connector.  Depending on the application, joiners/connecters come in many different configurations, such as, flexible, corner or straight, and “x” connectors.

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